

little music studio on the Coast

Welcome to JamPot Studios

JamPot Studios aims to offer the music and arts community of Noosa and the Sunshine Coast, an intimate and friendly multipurpose recording and rehearsal space. Designed for the diverse needs of a variety of artists, we can assist you to showcase your unique talents. We provide professional and friendly service with the ultimate goal of satisfying your particular needs. Whether to rehearse before your next gig, try out that new song, create that new album, or record the poetry within, JamPot is here to help.

Purpose built, we cater to the amateur and professional alike, country to metal, jazz or hip-hop and everything in between. Our modern facilities and a willingness to listen can provide you with the ability to record, master and produce to the highest standards yet allow even the newest musicians a space in which to grow.

What we can provide

Rehearsal Space
Digital Recording
Quality Mixing
Red book digital Mastering
Production Services and Sound Design
Sound for TV, Radio and Film
Media Transfer and Restoration
On-Hold Messages and Voice-Over
Audio Books and a whole lot more!



Tom Johnson
Owner, Manager, Engineer
Mobile: 0437 544 887
Studio: 0754 555 555


Across from KFC